European Commission Ministerio de Ciencia Innovación y Universidades Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas
Scientific Literacy at the School


Archaeology and the teaching of science at the early stages of education: the experience of the project SciLit

partners in the last transnational meeting in Gijón

The 6th September 2018, in the framework of the 24th Annual Meeting of the European Association of Archaeologists, various members of the CSIC at School Team presented the results obtained in the SciLit Project +info

Presentation of the project in Lithuania

partners in the last transnational meeting in Gijón

On the 15th of May the partner Kedainiau Lopselis Darzelis Zilvitis, in Lithuania, was invited to the local municipality to give a brief presentation of the project. +info

Last transnational meeting in Gijón

partners in the last transnational meeting in Gijón

On June the 8th, the last transnational meeting of our project Scientific Literacy at the School took place at the CPR of Gijón-Oriente.+info

Follow-up days of Erasmus + Project

Presentation of SciLit project in Lithuania

During the 5th and 6th of April in Seville, the coordination of the Erasmus + Project SciLit (Scientifit Literacy at School) was in the follow-up days organized by our National Agency to Strategic Associations KA201 2016.+info

Presentation of SciLit project in Lithuania

Presentation of SciLit project in Lithuania

The Kedainiai District Preschool Leaders Meeting was held on January the 11th in this beautiful city (Kedainiai), Lithuania. During this meeting, Regina Jasinskiené, Director of the Kindergarten "Zilvitis", as a partner of the project, presented our Erasmus + project SciLit to the heads of the others institutions.+info

3rd Transnational meeting in Palermo, italy. 6th of november 2017

Last 6th of november representatives of all SciLit partners met in palermo in our 3rd transnational meeting. The main objective of this meeting has been considering and debating on the progress of the project and the results that are already being obtained. +info

2nd Virtual meeting

The 2nd virtual meeting took place by Skype on the 9th of October. The connection was better than the previous virtual meeting, so all the partners could take advantage of this event. The coordinator, Maria Jose Gomez Diaz, welcomed all the participants and stressed to important points:

(1) a template sent to the partners in order to collect all their classroom experiences and
(2) the management of the Project.
Maria Ruiz del Arbol, responsable of Archaeology in the classroom, talk to the partners regarding the tasks for this Intellectual Output. All the partners expressed their doubts and opinions which will be completely solved in the next meeting of Palermo.

2nd Transnational meeting in Bydgoszcz, Poland. 26th of may 2017

Last 26th of May representatives of all SciLit partners met in Bydgoszcz in our 2nd transnational meeting. The main objective of this meeting has been considering and debating on the progress of the project and the results that are already being obtained. +info

1st Virtual meeting

The 1st virtual meeting of SciLit Project took place by Skype on the 3rd of february. It was a short connection due to technical problems, but the partnerts take advantage of this time and talked about the first tasks that the coordinator was sending to them. The coordinador also provided some intructions concerning how the schools and the teaching training centres had to collected their own experiences, after the training given in october.

Start of the Project Scientific Literacy at the school

On October 24, 2016, the initial meeting and the scientific training courses of the "Scientific Literacy at the School" project were carried out: improving strategies and building new science teaching practices in the early years of education ....+info