European Commission Ministerio de Ciencia Innovación y Universidades Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas
Scientific Literacy at the School


Multiplier event at the European School of Brussels

Multiplier event in Brussels

In the afternoon of June the 27th, CSIC at the School coordinator of the Erasmus + project Scientific Literacy at the School (SciLit), presented to the teachers of the European School of Brussels the intellectual outputs generated during these two years of collaboration and research in the classroom with the cooperation of other European partners. +info

Multiplier event in Brussels

Multiplier event in Brussels

On June 27, CSIC at the School, coordinator of the Erasmus + Project Scientific Literacy at the School (SciLit), presented at the CSIC Delegation in Brussels the intellectual outputs generated in the framework of this project, which are the result of two years of research in teaching science in the early stages of education, with the collaboration of all the partners.+info

Multiplier event in CEIP San Francisco

Multiplier event in CEIP San Francisco

On June 22, the SciLit partner CEIP San Francisco in Pamplona held its multiplier event to disseminate the intellectual outputs generated within the framework of this project. The event was attended by more than 60 people who have shown great interest in both the project and the results of it. +info

Multiplier event in Poland

Multiplier event in Poland

Multiplier event held in Bydgoszcz, Poland, organised by Kujawsko-Pomorskie Centrum Edukacji Nauczycieli in Bydgoszcz and Przedszkole nr 34 Mali Odkrywcy in Bydgoszcz. +info

Multiplier event organized by CSIC at the school in Madrid

Multiplier event in Madrid

On June the19th, CSIC at the School, coordinator of the SciLit project, has organized the multiplier event for the dissemination of the intellectual outputs that have been generated within the framework of Erasmus +. +info

Multiplier event in Kedainiai Lopselis Darzelis Zilvitis

Multiplier event in Lithuania

On the 15th of June was organized the multiplier event of the SciLit project in Kedainiai Lopselis Darzelis Zilvitis school, in Lithuania. Besides presenting the three intellectual outputs of this Erasmus + project during the event, the teacher of the school ... +info

Multiplier event hold by CESIE

Multiplier event in Italy

The event was held on the 15th of June at Centro Internazionale delle Culture Ubuntu. It was addressed to teachers, social workers even parents.+info

Multiplier event in CPR Gijón-Oriente

Multiplier event in CPR Gijón-Oriente

On June the 7th, the CPR of Gijón-Oriente organized its Multiplier Event to present the intellectual outputs generated in the framework of our SciLit Project. +info

Multiplier Event in Estonia

Multiplier Event in Estonia

On May the 29th, the partner Tallina Asunduse Lasteaed organized its Multiplier Event to present the intellectual outputs generated in the framework of our SciLit Project. +info